

To install MatchingTools using pip do:

pip install matchingtools

The source can be downloaded from the GitHub repository.

A simple example

In this section we will be creating a simple model to show some of the features of Effective. This example and more, involving more complex cases that make use of the extras package can be found in the examples folder at the GitHub repository of the project.

The model is described as follows: it has symmetry \(SU(2)\times U(1)\) containing a complex scalar doublet \(\phi\) (the Higgs) with hypercharge \(1/2\) and a real scalar triplet \(\Xi\) with zero hypercharge that couple as:

\[\mathcal{L}_{int} = - \kappa\Xi^a\phi^\dagger\sigma^a\phi - \lambda \Xi^a \Xi^a \phi^\dagger\phi,\]

where \(\kappa\) and \(\lambda\) are a coupling constants and \(\sigma^a\) are the Pauli matrices. We will then integrate out the heavy scalar \(\Xi\) to obtain an effective Lagrangian which we will finally write in terms of the operators

\[\begin{split}\mathcal{O}_{\phi 6}=(\phi^\dagger\phi)^3, \qquad & \mathcal{O}_{\phi 4}=(\phi^\dagger\phi)^2, \\ \mathcal{O}^{(1)}_{\phi}= \phi^\dagger\phi (D_\mu \phi)^\dagger D^\mu \phi, \qquad & \mathcal{O}^{(3)}_{\phi}= (\phi^\dagger D_\mu \phi) (D^\mu \phi)^\dagger \phi, \\ \mathcal{O}_{D \phi} = \phi^\dagger(D_\mu \phi) \phi^\dagger D^\mu\phi, \qquad & \mathcal{O}^*_{D \phi} = (D_\mu\phi)^\dagger\phi (D^\mu\phi)^\dagger\phi\end{split}\]

Creation of the model

The imports that we will need are:

from matchingtools.operators import (
    TensorBuilder, FieldBuilder, Op, OpSum,
    number_op, tensor_op, boson, fermion, kdelta)

from matchingtools.integration import RealScalar, integrate

from matchingtools.transformations import apply_rules

from matchingtools.output import Writer

The basic building blocks of our model are tensors and fields. For our example, we will need three tensors, the Pauli matrices and the coupling constants:

sigma = TensorBuilder("sigma")
kappa = TensorBuilder("kappa")
lamb = TensorBuilder("lamb")

We will also use three fields: the Higgs doublet, its conjugate and the new scalar:

phi = FieldBuilder("phi", 1, boson)
phic = FieldBuilder("phic", 1, boson)
Xi = FieldBuilder("Xi", 1, boson)

The second argument of FieldBuilder represent the energy dimensions of the field, and the third corresponds its the statistics and can either be boson or `fermion.

Now we are ready to write the interaction Lagrangian:

interaction_lagrangian = -OpSum(
     Op(kappa(), Xi(0), phic(1), sigma(0, 1, 2), phi(2)),
     Op(lamb(), Xi(0), Xi(0), phic(1), phi(1)))


Before doing the integration of the heavy fields, we must specify who they are. To integrate out the heavy \(\Xi\) we do:

heavy_Xi = RealScalar("Xi", 1, has_flavor=False)

Now it is ready to be integrated out:

heavy_fields = [heavy_Xi]
max_dim = 6
effective_lagrangian = integrate(
    heavy_fields, interaction_lagrangian, max_dim)

Transformations of the effective Lagrangian

After the integration we get operators that contain \((\phi^\dagger\sigma^a\phi)(\phi^\dagger\sigma^a\phi)\). This product can be rewritten in terms of the operator \((\phi^\dagger\phi)^2\). To do this, we can use the \(SU(2)\) Fierz identity:


We can define a rule to transform everything that matches the left-hand side of the equality into the right-hand with the code:

fierz_rule = (
    Op(sigma(0, -1, -2), sigma(0, -3, -4)),
    OpSum(number_op(2) * Op(kdelta(-1, -4), kdelta(-3, -2)),
          -Op(kdelta(-1, -2), kdelta(-3, -4))))

Notice the use of the function number_op. Observe also the appearance of negative indices to represent free (not contracted) indices and how those of the replacement match the ones in the pattern.

We should now define the operators in terms of which we want to express the effective Lagrangian:

Ophi6 = tensor_op("Ophi6")
Ophi4 = tensor_op("Ophi4")
O1phi = tensor_op("O1phi")
O3phi = tensor_op("O3phi")
ODphi = tensor_op("ODphi")
ODphic = tensor_op("ODphic")

and then use some rules to express them in terms of the fields and tensors that appear in the effective Lagrangian:

definition_rules = [
  (Op(phic(0), phi(0), phic(1), phi(1), phic(2), phi(2)),
  (Op(phic(0), phi(0), phic(1), phi(1)),
  (Op(D(2, phic(0)), D(2, phi(0)), phic(1), phi(1)),
  (Op(phic(0), D(2, phi(0)), D(2, phic(1)), phi(1)),
  (Op(phic(0), D(2, phi(0)), phic(1), D(2, phi(1))),
  (Op(D(2, phic(0)), phi(0), D(2, phic(1)), phi(1)),

To apply the Fierz identity to every operator until we get to the chosen operators, we do:

rules = [fierz_rule] + definition_rules
max_iterations = 2
transf_eff_lag = apply_rules(
    effective_lagrangian, rules, max_iterations)


The class Writer can be used to represent the coefficients of the operators of a Lagrangian as plain text and write it to a file:

final_coef_names = [
  "Ophi6", "Ophi4", "O1phi", "O3phi", "ODphi", "ODphic"]
eff_lag_writer = Writer(trasnf_eff_lag, final_coef_names)

It can also to write a LaTeX file with the representation of these coefficients and export it to pdf to show it directly. For this to be done, we should define how the objects that we are using have to be represented in LaTeX code and the symbols we want to be used as indices:

latex_tensor_reps = {"kappa": r"\kappa",
                     "lamb": r"\lambda",
                     "MXi": r"M_{{\Xi}}",
                     "phi": r"\phi_{}",
                     "phic": r"\phi^*_{}"}

latex_coef_reps = {
  "Ophi6": r"\frac{{\alpha_{{\phi 6}}}}{{\Lambda^2}}",
  "Ophi4": r"\alpha_{{\phi 4}}",
  "O1phi": r"\frac{{\alpha^{{(1)}}_{{\phi}}}}{{\Lambda^2}}",
  "O3phi": r"\frac{{\alpha^{{(3)}}_{{\phi}}}}{{\Lambda^2}}",
  "ODphi": r"\frac{{\alpha_{{D\phi}}}}{{\Lambda^2}}",
  "ODphic": r"\frac{{\alpha^*_{{D\phi}}}}{{\Lambda^2}}"}

latex_indices = ["i", "j", "k", "l"]

    "simple_example", latex_tensor_reps,
    latex_coef_reps, latex_indices)

Double curly brackets are used when one curly bracket should be present in the LaTeX code and simple curly brackes are used as placeholders for indices.

The expected result is a pdf file containing the coefficients for the operators we defined plus some other operators with covariant derivatives of the Higgs.